The Light and the Lamp Sermon Series

Jesus and John in John 1-3

At the center of the Christian faith stands a man like no other: a man of flesh and blood, yes, but at the same time, the Second Person of the Trinity clothed in human form.


In Him, the Creator steps into His creation.

In Him, we glimpse God.


In Him, God fulfills His promises and purposes for humanity.


In Him, the light and life of God are made available to us.


In this series, based on the first three chapters of John’s gospel, we’ll be exploring some of the metaphors used to explain who Jesus is – word, stairway, wine, teacher, temple – and the implications for us as we consider what it means to follow Him. Each sermon in this series will include an opportunity to respond to Him in faith, and the series will conclude with an opportunity for baptism for all who respond in faith and desire to be baptized. If this is you, please let us know here.


Though one figure dominates these three chapters, two figures are introduced: Jesus and John.


Jesus is the light of the world, the One who reveals God and illumines every human heart.


And John? He is the lamp (John 5.33-35) – not the light, not a rival source of illumination, but one who stands in and points to and reflects the light of Jesus.


The presence of John in this narrative reminds us that for us as believers, Jesus is not only the object of our faith, He is also the subject of our witness. This series will provide an opportunity not only for us to commit afresh to Jesus, but also for us to commit afresh to making Him known. “He must increase but I must decrease” (John 3.30).


David Henderson

Senior Pastor


PS - pick up a bookmark from the Welcome or Receptionist desk as a reminder to pray through and memorize our key verse, John 3:30.


PPS - don't like paper? I invite you to change your phone's lock screen for the duration of this series. Save the photo below or download it here.

click on a title below to download notes or a transcript of the sermon

October 10: Jesus the Light and John the Lamp

Jesus is the Word of God: the One who gives voice to the heart and mind of God.

October 17: Jesus the New Teacher

The identity of John contrasted to the identity of Jesus.

October 24: Jesus the New Wine

Water to wine: Jesus’ relationship with His mother exposes his dual nature, Jesus fulfills the prophecy of promised new wine and the best saved for last, reveals His glory.

October 31: Jesus the New Temple

Jesus’ clears the temple, seeks reverence for His Father, affirming His own divine nature; Jesus declares Himself the place of access to God, where God is met and known, and anticipates the resurrection.

November 7: Jesus the New Life

Jesus and Nicodemus: Jesus offers spiritual rebirth, rescue, in Himself, as the One who has come over from the other side.

November 14: Jesus the New Defining Center

Jesus’ central role and John’s supporting role in redemptive history: John models effective witness; the best man, from below, who must decrease; Jesus is the bridegroom, from above, who must increase.