

College is a difficult place to be a Christian. And connecting with other young adults is difficult, particularly if you decided not to go to college.


That's why it is so important to invest in a solid community of believers where you can belong, grow, and reach others with the gospel.


No matter what your faith looks like right now, we would love for you to consider joining our vibrant family of faith and discover the encouragement that exists as we all seek to live out the Lord's calling together!


We'll have fun, be stretched and challenged, eat a lot of food, worship together, play some wild games, and go on some crazy adventures together. We can't wait to pursue Jesus with you!


Daaron Fleeger

Student Ministries Co-Director


College Gathering

Saturdays, 10:00am

We meet at Greyhouse Coffee (the one inside Campus House on Purdue's campus) for coffee and a conversation through the book of Job. No Bible knowledge or experience required!


Contact Daaron for more info.

College Lunch

Third Sundays, after second service

Join us for lunch on the third Sunday of the month. No cost to you! We will meet at various host homes right after church.

Study Sessions

The Hub

Need to get off campus? The Hub is open during Covenant office hours (M-Th 8:30am-4:30pm; F 8:30am- noon) with plenty of study space and free coffee.


Coffee shop vibes - at no cost!

Get in the Group! Join our Group Me!