Kids Alive Preschool seeks to provide an exceptional educational training coupled with vital spiritual nurturing for every child who attends. Our staff offers a wealth of experience and a deep love for children. Covenant Kids Alive is a non-profit organization as a part of the total church program. Students of any race, nationality, religious, or ethnic group are welcomed to enroll.


The overall goal of Kids Alive is to help your child’s first school experience be filled with fun, song, dance, movement, and discovery. The teachers at Kids Alive believe in and use a whole-child approach to education which emphasizes physical, social, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual developmental stages.  All stages are considered equally important.  We believe it is important to help the children learn new things by allowing them to actively participate in a variety of activities.


René Maule

Kids Alive Director



Preschool (age 3 by August 1)

3-year-old preschool primarily focuses on social interaction with fun, movement, and play.


Our goal is that your child will recognize his or her printed first name, know the months of the year and days of the week, be able to recognize and identify shapes, colors, and some letters. In addition, we will be introducing writing, cutting, and other reading readiness skills.

Tuesday and Thursday:

9:10am - 11:40am or

Wednesday and Friday:

9:10am - 11:40am


Tuition for 2024-25 is $105 per month, with a non-refundable material/registration fee of $120 due at the time of registration.

PreK 3-Day (age 4 by August 1)

Our 4-year-old Pre-Kindergarten class is still a social preschool with a shift toward academics.  The skills needed to thrive in kindergarten are woven into your child’s day through hands-on activities, song, and play.  Our goal is that they will be able to write their own name, identify the letters of the alphabet (upper and lower case), cut with scissors, count to one hundred, as well as progress with their large and small motor skills.


Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday:

9:00am - 11:30am

12:30pm - 3:00pm


Tuition for 2024-25 is $135 per month, with a non-refundable material/registration fee of $120 due at the time of registration.

PreK 4-Day (age 5 by Dec 1)

Our four-day Pre-Kindergarten class is geared for older 4-year-olds and 5-year-olds. This class has the same expectations as our 4-year-old Pre-Kindergarten class, with some variations to keep the class fresh and challenging, as well as age appropriate for these older students. It offers additional explorations through cooking, science experiments, library check-out, and music. We ask that these children be 5 by December 1 or be prescreened by the director.

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday:

8:45am - 11:30am


Tuition for 2024-25 is $180 per month, with a non-refundable material/registration fee of $120 due at the time of registration.



Kids Alive has added an extended day lunch program for children attending preschool, 11:30am-12:30pm. Lunch Bunch is also open to siblings who have been in the Cove and do not need assistance eating.


Reservations and payment required to reserve a spot. You will need to make a reservation for each day, each week. The links usually refresh on Thursday afternoon or Friday.


Children should bring a nut-free lunch and a drink. They will eat, then play outside or inside depending on the weather.



**NOTE: you will need to park and go to the door. We do not have drive by pick up because there is another class starting at that time.

Direct Lunch Bunch questions to Emily Fricke.


2025-2026 REGISTRATION will open FEBRUARY of 2025

Registration for current Kids Alive families, Covenant Cove families and Covenant Church members begins February 4, 2025.


Open registration begins February 18, 2025.

Direct Kids Alive questions to René Maule765-463-7303 x610, or Dawn Synsesael, 765-463-7303 x440.


Kids Alive Preschool admits students of any race, color, gender, national and ethnic origin.


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Barb Clevenger

Pre-K Teacher

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BZ Farrell

Pre-K Teacher

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Assistant Director and 

Preschool Teacher

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Debbie MacLeod

Kids Alive Teachers Aide

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Jennifer Chalmers

Pre-K Teacher

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Lilly Capecci

Preschool Teacher

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Melody Dewell

Pre-K Teacher