Covenant College Fellowship Reunion 2024

Blessed to be a Blessing

Covenant College Fellowship Reunion

October 11-13, 2024

Covenant Church

We are so excited about the coming CCF Reunion, our first in forty years. A lot of life has happened over those years, yet all of us have known the Lord’s presence who loves us through it all. It’s time to gather again and celebrate the love Jesus gave us then and gives us now.


David Henderson, the pastor of Covenant Church, has invited us to meet there. The facility has been remodeled and is simply fantastic! You are going to love it. We sure do!


We pray this reunion is a “hinge moment” in our lives. Unlike typical high school class reunions which have their own touching moments, but typically little lasting impact, we pray that our Lord meets us in fresh and life-changing ways.


We pray Jesus touches us again, renews old friendships and begins new ones and re-sends us into our hurting world!

NOW is the time to make your lodging arrangements (it is a university community after all – see below).


Joy to you –

Stan and Ann Marie 


PS - Have you registered yet?


Reunion Schedule
Look Who's Coming!

Greetings CCFers! 


We look forward to welcoming you all this fall! 


At this point in my life, I find getting with friends from earlier chapters a great occasion to see and to celebrate the faithfulness of God. I don't always feel getting older is a gift, but one of the gifts that comes with passing years is seeing God's hand in my life more clearly. 


Stan and the CCF Reunion Planning Team has been hard at work to make your days together special! What a rich time it will be, not only to remember and tell tales but also to share the faithfulness of God in your life right now and make new memories. 


You are coming into our midst in the middle of an exciting season for us as a church family. God has had us on a five-year long adventure of learning what it means to live a life of love. We’ve experienced a wonderful spirit of unity and connection in the Covenant family. I think you'll feel it when you arrive. 


Home might feel a little bit different when you get here. It's the same sprawling building, but we've just finished some major home improvement projects on our building, creating a wonderful and welcoming gathering area, updating our sanctuary, adding a deck, creating a brand new family check-in lobby, and even sprucing up the Retreat Center. 


I trust your days together will be a rich chance to tell of the goodness of God in your life, even in the hard, and to hear your brothers and sisters do the same. 


We look forward to welcoming you. 


David Henderson

Senior Pastor

Reunion Schedule
Look Who's Coming!

He’s able, he’s able, I know he is able

Take my hand and follow me

Here comes Jesus

Jesus is the Waymaker, he made a way for me. 

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