Thrive Next Steps
The third part of our calling is to pour out His love on the world.
We express this calling in two ways:
Click below to find a variety of resources to help you engage in each expression.
Remember, God intended the Christian life to be lived in community. Who can you invite to engage alongside you?
Reach out to our literal neighbors
God Space: Where Spiritual Conversations Happen Naturally, Doug Pollock
Connect with real-life stories of how ordinary people learned how to engage others in rich spiritual conversations that open doors instead of slamming them shut. You'll find fresh insights and practical tools for connecting with others about the things that matter most.
One to One Bible Reading, David Helm
Guidance for how to read through different parts of the Bible with a friend. Ask about questions to use in preparation or conversation.
Right Now Media
Evangelism: Sharing the Big Story, James Choung
More than just a ticket to heaven, the good news of the gospel is that God is calling believers to participate in his work of restoring creation to its original design. Nine episodes, averaging nine minutes each.
Defining your Personal Mission Field
This planning brochure from TM Moore helps us recognize the people and opportunities God has already placed in our lives.
God Space, Doug Pollock
Out of the Saltshaker and Into the World, Becky Pippert
Finding Common Ground, Tim Downs
I Once Was Lost, Donald Everts (Covenant has extra copies)
Make a difference in the world
Generous Justice: How God’s Grace Makes Us Just, Tim Keller
Timothy Keller presents the Bible as a fundamental source for promoting justice and compassion for those in need as well as a life of justice empowered by an experience of grace: a generous, gracious justice.
Read a missionary biography and be inspired by the examples set by others. Start with one of these classics or find another story that resonates with you.
Peace Child, by Don Richardson
This delves deeper into bringing the gospel into a culture that is not your own. How do you remain true to God’s Word while connecting with the people in that culture?
Hudson Taylor’s Spiritual Secret, by Dr. Howard and Geraldine Taylor
This not only gives an overview of Taylor’s work in the interior of China but also digs deeper into his life and relationship with Christ.
Shadow of the Almighty: The Life and Testimony of Jim Elliot, by Elisabeth Elliot
This account of Jim’s life gives us a glimpse into his journals and the motivation to give his own life for the sake of Christ.
A Chance to Die: The Life and Death of Amy Carmichael, by Elisabeth Elliot
Reveals the life of Amy Carmichael, a missionary to South India for 53 years.
Right Now Media
Every Good Gift, Ann Voskamp
Learning to live generous lives by sharing every good gift from God with others. Six 15 minute sessions with study guide.
Bible Project
An overview of what the Bible says about justice and our part in pursuing justice.