Thrive Next Steps
The third part of our calling is to pour out His love on the world.
We express this calling in two ways:
Click below to find a variety of resources to help you engage in each expression.
Remember, God intended the Christian life to be lived in community. Who can you invite to engage alongside you?
Reach out to our literal neighbors
Jesus Outside the Lines: A Way Forward for Those Who are Tired of Taking Sides, Scott Sauls
This book shows us how the words and actions of Jesus reveal a response that does not perpetuate the destructive fray in our culture. Jesus offers us a way forward - away from harshness, caricatures and stereotypes.
This book reminds us of the forgotten biblical art of sowing and shows us practical and effective ways to talk with people about spiritual subjects.
I Once Was Lost: What Postmodern Skeptics Taught Us About Their Path to Jesus, Everts and Schaupp
This book describes the factors that influence how people shift in their perspectives and
God Space, Doug Pollock
Out of the Saltshaker and Into the World, Becky Pippert
Finding Common Ground, Tim Downs
I Once Was Lost, Donald Everts (Covenant has extra copies)
Make a difference in the world
The Allure of Gentleness: Defending the Faith in the Manner of Jesus, Dallas Willard
To demonstrate Jesus’s message, we must be transformed people living out a life reflective of Jesus himself, a life of love, humility, and gentleness.
Uncommon Ground: Living Faithfully in a World of Difference, Tim Keller
In Uncommon Ground, the authors bring together a thrilling range of artists, thinkers, and leaders to provide a guide to living faithfully in a divided world.
The Dangerous Act of Loving Your Neighbor, Mark Labberton
Podcast (search your favorite podcast app)
Questioning Christianity, Tim Keller Podcast
While addressing those who are exploring the Christian faith, Keller’s approach provides insights for engaging culture while the content equips Christ-followers to address hard questions related to God, faith, meaning and truth. 15 Episodes.
The Dangerous Act of Loving Your Neighbor, Mark Labberton