A large part of our calling is to Go to the World. We encourage our people to live out this calling by building relationships with people in their daily life, doing good deeds and perhaps even going cross-culturally to another country.
We also live out that calling financially. Covenant Church commits 20% of our annual budget to support missions efforts both here in the greater Lafayette area as well as around the world.
Strategically, we want to put our efforts into the following Focus Areas where we believe God is calling us to participate in His work.
Local Focus Areas
Purdue University has a large footprint in the Greater Lafayette area. Our goal is to support various organizations’ efforts to introduce people across the campus to Jesus – including students, athletes, fraternity members, sorority members, professors and staff.
Leader: Cliff Johnston
While Purdue can dominate Greater Lafayette’s landscape, the area also has many other needs and ministries that work to meet those needs. Covenant supports the efforts of those ministering to high school students, recovering addicts, women facing unplanned pregnancies, jail inmates, and many others.
Leader: Aaron Kelley
International Focus Areas
Covenant has a long-standing relationship with an orphanage in Jamaica, as well as several churches and missions in Mexico. As a result, we have seen orphaned young people grow and develop in their walk with Jesus. As they age out of the orphanage, we encourage each young person to connect with a local church so they can be enveloped within the love of a church family.
Leader: Daniel Pierce
Economically, socially and spiritually, Romanians are still struggling to overcome the impact of the oppressive Communist rule, which collapsed in 1989. Covenant works with missionary teams which work with women, widows and orphans. We also support development and training of local pastors with our Seminary in a Suitcase program.
Leader: Steve Roosz
People in this area are some of the least-reached in terms of overall missionary efforts. This area is also one of the most dangerous and sensitive places for Christians to work.
Leader: Todd Dinius
We are thrilled to support many missionaries called from Covenant to various parts of the world. The missionaries in this focus area call Covenant home, and have deep roots with our church family. Each one is an example of being obedient to God’s call and stepping out in faith. It’s an honor to see how God is at work in and through the people of Covenant around the world.
Leader: Tom Covington
• Help others grow in discipleship by reading the Bible together with a new Christian, one hour a week virtually - https://meccatochrist.org/volunteer-with-us/#
• 6 Ways to Reach God’s World - Overview (Identify your role in world missions!)
• Muslim Dream of Jesus (The testimony of Dr. Ahmed Joktan, a missionary Covenant supports who works with the Navigators in “Nations Within” focus area.)
• I Will Never Leave Thee Podcast (Part 1), Part 2 and Part 3 (Dr. James Dobson interviews missionary Darlene Rose, prisoner of war during WWII.)
• Indian Bible College, Learning Resource Center Dedication (Covenant helped to build this center for students at Indian Bible College. The LCR dedication was on 1/28/2021.)
• Voice of the Martyrs Prayer Guide
• Peace Child, by Don Richardson
• Operation World: The Definitive Prayer Guide to Every Nation (Covenant library has a copy; can also use https://www.operationworld.org/ for free, up-to-date online version)
• Loving Your Muslim Neighbor, by Timothy and Miriam Harris (EPC missions staff members leading workshop opportunity)
• From Mecca to Christ: A True Story from the Son of the Meccan Mufti, by Dr. Ahmed Joktan (Covenant began supporting Dr. Joktan in • December 2020.)
• Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus: A Devout Muslim Encounters Christianity, by Nabeel Qureshi
• God’s Hostage, A True Story of Persecution, Imprisonment and Perseverance, by Andrew Brunson (Pastor in the EPC who lived in Turkey from 1993 to 2018)
• Repenters, by Peter Dugulescu
• In Europe's Shadow: Two Cold Wars and a Thirty-Year Journey Through Romania and Beyond, by Robert D. Kaplan (2016)
• Reading While Black: African American Biblical Interpretation as an Exercise in Hope, by Esau McCaulley
• Evidence Not Seen: A Woman's Miraculous Faith in the Jungles of World War II, by Darlene Deibler Rose
• https://www.operationworld.org/ - Use to pray for the world.
• https://www.30daysprayer.com/ - Use to learn about and pray for the Muslim world.
• https://www.persecution.com/ - Use to pray for the Persecuted Church.
Pray for Missions
Note: for Covenant regular attenders only
1. Subscribe to the prayer list.
2. Pick up a Prayer Guide at the Reception Desk.
Contact Us
If you have questions for the missions team at Covenant, please contact the office.