Original Music with Lyrics

We are blessed with amazing musicians here at Covenant.


Two, Briton Wiese and Kelsey Patton, shared original songs during recent services. We've had requests for the lyrics, so we're sharing both the video of them sharing their songs and the lyrics. Thank you both for sharing your songs with us!


First, Briton Wiese and his song My Help, which he played with the worship band during the May 28, 2023 service.


My Help

by Briton Weise

May 28, 2023


I've been up and I've been down

But more down than up here lately

I've been right and I've been wrong

A lot more wrong than right here lately


Can't you tell I'm reaching out from the depths of my soul

I need someone to walk along before me and beside me


Can you take my hand

Can I rest my head on your shoulder

Can you carry me when things get hard

Because I've never been this far

Can you be my help?


I've got my eyes fixed you

And what you're doing right here

I want to move when you move

Together with my hand in yours


Let us learn to help our brother when they need our help

Let us bear each other's burdens and put aside ourselves


You can put your hand in mind

You can rest your head on my shoulder

I can carry you when things get hard

When you've never been this far

I can be your help


Let us step where you step

Let us love like you love

Let us see what you see

Let us see them instead of me

Next, Kelsey Patton and her song The Invitation, which she shared during David Henderson's sermon on Sunday, June 18, 2023.

The Invitation

by Kelsey Patton

June 18, 2023


I tried to shut you out turn off the lights

Wouldn't let my heart believe in wonder

It got so Dark

 thought I'd see lightning strike

but all I heard 

was distant thunder


I'm waiting for a sign something anything

I'm reaching for a light breaking through the grey

I'm screaming at the deafening silence as you turn your face away


But what if you never left

But you left the way back open

what if you can't bring me back till I accept your invitation 

I longed to hear you speak

But you already called out to me

Said I don't need you

I just want you

How will you respond to love


I don't understand how you want me

No strings attached, no catch, you never needed me

Will you pick up my hand and show me the way?


If your love is the sunrise and I refuse to wake up at 5

How could I hate what I never tried to see

A love you painted in the sky

All I did was close my eyes

And ask for gifts catered to me?

But if that's what it took I know you'd paint a sunrise in the night for me


I'm looking for your hand now in everything 

I'm reaching out for the love that you give away

Blinded by the radiance of light as you turn your face my way